Virtual car seat checks are intended to provide parents and caregivers the opportunity to receive one-on-one education and instruction from nationally-certified child passenger safety technicians on the proper selection, installation, and use of their car seats. Sessions are by appointment only. Call 1-800-231-6145 to schedule an appointment.
To participate in the virtual session, parents and caregivers must have a valid email address, access to the Internet or Wi-Fi, and the ability to use Zoom via the app or website. Zoom can be downloaded by visiting https://zoom.us/
Additional items required to successfully complete the virtual car seat education session include:
- Car seat
- Car seat manual
- Vehicle manual
- Laptop or smartphone with video capabilities
- The child’s exact height and weight
- Child should be present if possible
- A second person to assist with camera/video session
Technicians will spend approximately 30 minutes per seat educating parents on the correct selection, installation, and use of their car seats and booster seats, including reviewing the parts of the car seat, how to find and use car seat labels, how to secure a car seat in the vehicle properly using the vehicle seat belt, how to check the seat for proper installation, and how to properly fit and adjust the harness on a child. Parents and caregivers will also learn important information regarding after-market products, common errors in car seat safety, and be able to ask questions.
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