Enhanced Law Enforcement Campaigns & Reports
According to statistics from the University of New Mexico Geospatial and Population Studies Traffic Research Unit, the number of alcohol-involved crashes in New Mexico declined by roughly 72% since 2000. Research indicates that public education, combined with highly visible law enforcement, is a powerful tool in decreasing the number of people who drink and drive.
9According to the University of New Mexico Geospatial and Population Studies Traffic Research Unit, in 2017:
- 40% of all fatal crashes involved alcohol.
- 4.5% of all crashes involved alcohol.
- 22% of alcohol-involved drivers in crashes were aged 20-24.
ENDWI Reports
With the assistance of New Mexico law enforcement personnel, Safer tracks the numbers of DWI arrests and the numbers of other arrests made as a result of ENDWI enforcement efforts. Data is then compiled into summary reports for evaluation and tracking purposes. Click to view the 2019-2020 ENDWI Final Summary Report.
Seatbelts and child restraints (car seats and booster seats) save lives, and Safer is dedicated to efforts which increase their proper and consistent use. According to the UNM Geospatial and Population Studies Traffic Research Unit, in 2018, 11% of unbelted occupants in passenger vehicles in crashes were killed, compared to only 0.1% of belted occupants in passenger vehicles in crashes.
The NHTSA reports that using child safety seats decreases the risk of death by an estimated 71% for infants and 54% for older children.
BKLUP Reports
With the assistance of New Mexico law enforcement personnel, Safer tracks the numbers of arrests made as a result of BKLUP enforcement efforts. Data is then compiled into summary reports for evaluation and tracking purposes. Click to view the 2019-2020 BKLUP Final Summary Report.
Click It Or Ticket
Click It or Ticket (CIOT) is a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration campaign aimed at increasing the use of seat belts among young people in the United States. The campaign relies heavily on targeted advertising aimed at teens and young adults. In 2018, 58 law enforcement agencies across the state participated in CIOT enforcement activities during the last week of May and the first week of June.
Click It Or Ticket Reports:
With the assistance of New Mexico law enforcement personnel, Safer tracks the numbers of arrests made as a result of Click It Or Ticket enforcement efforts. Data is then compiled into summary reports for evaluation and tracking purposes. Click to view the 2018-2019 CIOT Final Summary Report.
Selective Traffic Enforcement Program
Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) enables law enforcement agencies to develop traffic enforcement programs to address a specific traffic safety concern affecting New Mexico communities. Examples of STEP initiatives are DWI enforcement, aggressive driving, speeding, and distracted driving. Currently 26 agencies conduct STEP activities throughout New Mexico.
Selective Traffic Enforcement Program Reports
With the assistance of New Mexico law enforcement personnel, Safer tracks the numbers of arrests made as a result of Selective Traffic Enforcement efforts. Data is then compiled into summary reports for evaluation and tracking purposes.
100 Days and Nights of Summer
100 Days and Nights of Summer Campaign is a New Mexico enforcement program that encourages local law enforcement agencies to conduct checkpoints and saturation patrols during a 100-day period from June through September. In 2007, the inaugural year of the campaign, traffic fatalities for June, July, and August decreased by 18% compared to the same period in 2006. In 2012, 53 agencies will be participating in the 100 Days and Nights of Summer campaign.
100 Days and Nights of Summer Reports
With the assistance of New Mexico law enforcement personnel, Safer tracks the numbers of arrests made as a result of 100 Days and Nights of Summer enforcement efforts. Data is then compiled into summary reports for evaluation and tracking purposes. Click to view the 2019-2020 STEP and 100 Days and Nights of Summer Final Summary Report.
Administrative Office
9400 Holly Avenue NE, Suite 201
Albuquerque, NM 87122
Injury Prevention Resource Center
3220 Richards Lane, Suite A
Santa Fe, NM 87505