Take Action – Trainings
Annual Law Enforcement Coordinators’ Symposium (LECS)
The Annual Law Enforcement Coordinators’ Symposium (LECS) is conducted for representatives from New Mexico law enforcement agencies participating in ODWI, OBD, 100 Days and Nights of Summer, CIOT, STEP, and other TSD-sponsored enhanced enforcement programs. The LECS provides law enforcement representatives the opportunity to obtain current program information, legal and administrative updates, and to receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs). For more information call (505) 856-6143.
New Mexico Law Enforcement Training Program (NMLETP)
New Mexico Law Enforcement Training Program (NMLETP) offers a number of trainings to enhance TSD-sponsored program initiatives such as the STEP, DWI Sobriety Checkpoint Training, Advanced Crash Investigation, Managing Police Traffic Services, and Radar/Lidar Instructor training. Check out our calendar to view upcoming training dates

National Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Certification Training Program
The National Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Certification Training is a four-day course intended for individuals who wish to become certified CPS technicians with the skills, experience, and knowledge required to educate parents and caregivers on the proper selection, installation, and use of their child safety seats.
Equipped with a comprehensive database of certified technicians, Safer is able to communicate with technicians regarding child safety seat clinics, fitting stations, community outreach activities, and updates on critical CPS issues. Safer also continues to seek ways to support technicians in the recertification process through Safe Kids Worldwide and also to increase retention rates.
Annual Child Passenger Safety Instructor and Senior Technician Meetings
Annual Child Passenger Safety Instructor and Senior Technician Meetings provide technical updates from experts in the CPS field and provide the most current information regarding CPS which enables CPS instructors and senior technicians to continue to provide accurate instruction and best practice education to parents and caregivers on the correct selection, installation, and use of their child safety seats.

Annual Buckle Up New Mexico (BUNM) Recertification Training
Annual Buckle Up New Mexico (BUNM) Recertification Training is sponsored by the NMDOT, TSD and Safer New Mexico Now, and provides CPS technicians with the latest research, best practice guidelines, education in the field of CPS, and gives CPS technicians a means to obtain their six required CEUs to recertify. BUNM takes place annually in March.
Administrative Office
9400 Holly Avenue NE, Suite 201
Albuquerque, NM 87122
Injury Prevention Resource Center
3220 Richards Lane, Suite A
Santa Fe, NM 87505